viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010

Twelfth Newspaper contribution

There are many healthy practices which will name a few. Exercise and sedentary is not a good practice that helps us stay in shape and good health. Having good social relationships is also good, being with people with whom we share ideas, is rewarding. Another good practice, for me the best is take care of yourself, relax and take a moment to think or to care for and treat ourselves well.

Tenth Newspaper contribution

The place I'd like to visit is England. Their culture, the city and his accent is what catches my attention. Although I really want to go to Spain to learn about the conquerors, so to speak. On the side of the studio, I like USA because they want to go to MIT, the best university of technology.

Ninth Newspaper contribution

My favorite restaurant is Pomodoro is an Italian restaurant. I like it because the attention of excellent, the food tastes good and is a quiet ambience. I very often with my sister and her boyfriend, always ask the same thing, barely see the menu. Really recommend it will see that it is very good restaurant.

Eighth Newspaper contribution

The impact of video games in Costa Rica is high, but not as much as in other countries. Video games are expensive, which means that not all have access to them, but most, especially youth. Many young people work to pay for his hobbies, among those video games. This means that to be a small country the impact of video games is high.

martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Seventh Newspaper Contribution

The label is good manners or a code of good manners in society. Are the right way to behave or fine in certain places or occasions, such as when eating, when you have visitors, etc. One of my advice is to eat properly, avoid talking with food in your mouth and the proper use of silverware.

Sixth Newspaper Contribution

Mrs. President of the Republic, this is for comment on several ideas for the prevention of crime. First, to have more police not only where the consentración of people, but also, in solitary places. The union would be great for the security forces and traffic officers, or, as in the United States, where there is only one police force and would cover more than the two areas. Second, having a more streamlined process against the criminals and not set free all the petty criminals, must impose a punishment. These are just my ideas, open up many more, as this is something that we are living all Costa Ricans, I hope you take intoaccount.

Fifth Newspaper contribution

Partners are asked to keep the etiquette. Please keep forever while work, meetings and lunch.Pass the note and that several complaints have benn resive lack of manners and foul language to other companions were also reminded that this also applies to customers. Thanks, management.

Forth Newspaper contribution

My Community

Third Newspaper contribution
